Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pre-K Technology Applications TEKS

The Pre-K technology TEKS lay a scaffolding foundation for students as they begin their journey of learning. It is the responsibility of the teacher to provide time and technology for the students to use. As children are provided with models and a variety of software that will introduce them to advanced learning experiences, they will learn the terminology needed to describe their work. They will also learn fundamental actions, such as moves and double-clicks on the mouse to interact with software programs. They will become accustomed to using the audio as well as the video portions of the technology. This begins the scaffolding that will increase each year. In Reading, students will enhance their learning by improving vocabulary. This will increase each year as they add to their foundational skills. By third grade students will be able to use learned skills to begin saving and deleting files, use menu options and commands. Students continue upwards by using language skills including capitalization, punctuation, spelling, word division, and use of numbers and symbols as grade-level appropriate. Each year the student acquires more information that allows them to access needed information and solve problems more effectively. Each grade builds on the previous grade producing students that can compete in a world of technology.

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