Saturday, November 21, 2009

Response and Reflections of Technology Inventory and Survey

In comparing my responses to the Technology Applications Inventory and the SETDA survey, I am most aware of my ignorance about technology. Not only my lack of ability to use technology myself, but my ignorance about what is available and used at my district level. In the Technology Applications Inventory my strengths lie in solving problems and communication. I don't really feel that my problem solving assessment is really as accurate as it appears because even tho I am able to do many of the applications listed, I do not use them regularly. To be an educator and potential administrator in the state of Texas, I realize I must improve my knowledge and acquisition of technology to be proficient and marketable in education. The SETDA teacher survey is a disgrace for me to look at my lack of implementation of technology in the classroom. Even though my district provides technology instruction and ongoing professional staff development, there is little follow up to see that is adequately implemented in the classroom. I have received good professional development on available websites and how they could be implemented in my classes, but with few computers and no time to structure the lessons, I rarely use the information that is given to me. I agree with the assessments as to my strengths and weaknesses. I am in need of much more foundational education and information acquisition. I would have a difficult time carrying on an educational conversation with most individuals about technology terms and usage. I am fluent with basic communication but even developing this blog is a challenge for me. I hope to move to a higher level of competency by the end of this course.

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